60mm Trekking Basket for trekking or ski poles. Will not fit on most Z-poles except for the Distance Plus and Alpine series poles. Not compatible with Trail Sport poles or Helio fixed length poles.
60mm Trekking...
Chamonix is the most famous climbing area in Europe. Nowhere else has as much quality rock, spectacular peaks and varied mountaineering history. For most climbers, a trip to Chamonix is an integral part of their...
North Wales is one of the most popular climbing areas in the country. The variety of crags, routes and styles is almost unmatched spanning the major mountain crags in Llanberis Pass, Cloggy, Ogwen, Moelwyns and the...
A revolution in versatility, the Hydra Ice Tool is a true modular system that can be configured to match any mission, from pure ice to technical alpine, to mixed comp climbing.
The Ariège region of Southern France is the compact area where the Ariège River cuts through the Pyrenées on its way from Andorra to the coast. There is a lot of high quality climbing in the area with a superb variety...